Venus morning star

A collation of llustrations and all sorts. Find all personal project links here

Other stuff

**Random show from ya résident weirdo. Comic book hero.

Blow is a mini dump

Content warning. Own risk. I cannot tell you every time. But seek out online what is solidarity, understanding but not to trigger

El pueblo unido, jamás será vencido
Peace n love 🌺🍁👽
Illustrator, costume designer, tarot reader and healing
💜Indigo spirit
💚mother earth

Breaking the cycle is so hard. What goes around comes around essentially, which possibly means we are doomed to repeat the same pattern by means of our own self fufilling prophacys.How do we break the cycle? Can we be better than our own previous choices when they paved the way for who we are today?

Dieu à Aussi inventé la merde
If i rage againt the machine i wanna clean the germs out the circuitry
Even they early mornings seagulls sound like they know we're fucked lmao
Like they full on catastrophe planning.
Doom doom boom boom
I sense it in the air bro